Which micron should I use for rosin pressing

Which micron should I use for rosin pressing

The micron rating of a rosin press bag refers to how fineness or small the holes are on the bag.

Technically speaking, a micron is equal to 1/1000th of a millimetre. The measurement refers to the gap between the tiny holes that make up the rosin filter bag. Larger holes make the rosin bag feel coarser.

In the rosin extraction world, the micron rating of rosin bags can vary from 15 micron, 25 micron, 37 micron , 75 micron , 90 micron, 120 micron , 160 micron and 220 micron.   The lower the micron rating, the better the filtration process and quality however the quantity or yield will be reduced. 

The micron rating has direct impact on the quality and quantity of rosin that can be produced form the plant material. For example a 90 micron rosin bag can produce a 20% yield whereas a 25 micron rosin bag can produce an yield of 15%. Therefore, it is important to understand the relationship between plant material and micron that can produce the preferred yield.


As cannabis flowers generally have tiny particles, lipids and other unwanted compounds, it crucial to use higher micron rated rosin bags. This will allow these extra material to stay intact within the bags rather than tearing it and at the same time ensure a steady flow of rosin while it is pressed smoothly under high temperature and pressure.

Bubble hash don’t have unwanted material in them, that needs filtering out. Hence lower micron sizes are the preferred choice as the hash contains a low amount of oil still that still needs to be filtered out.

The below can be used as guidance;


Flowers & Trim: 70 micron and higher

Kief or Dry Sift: 25 to 75 microns

Bubble Hash: 15 to 37 microns


Why not try our Variety Pack where you'll get different microns and is the best to experiment. 

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